Welcome to Daring DVM Coaching

Where busy, burned-out professionals transform their lives and their careers!

Do you ever find yourself thinking...

What the f*ck am I doing with my life?!
This is not how I imagined my life would be.
Why am I so damn dissatisfied with what was supposed to be my dream?

My friend - if this sounds like you - lemme tell you that...

1. You’re in the right place    and    2. How ridiculous is that?!

I mean - we worked our asses off for this!

When you think about it, it’s actually kinda crazy!! 
We are ambitious, highly driven, smart, intelligent, high-performing experts in our fields.
We have years of training, advanced degrees, remarkable talent, amazing accomplishments and impressive accolades. 
And we have checked all the boxes telling us that we are supposedly “successful” and that we should be happy by now…

But on the inside... we're a hot mess!!

We’re anxious, insecure, overwhelmed and burned-out AF!
We judge ourselves for not being where we “thought” we would be in our lives by now.
Every day feels like a struggle because we don’t see a way to balance our career with our lives.
And we can’t figure out why we still don’t feel happy despite everything we have achieved!  
And deep down?

We just want to figure out how to enjoy our damn lives!

Well, I’m here to say:
Or rather:

Let's change that tune completely!!

Because that’s really what life coaching is all about! 
  • Overcoming the social conditioning that keeps you questioning whether you’re ever truly enough.
  • Aligning your career with your life so that you can be fulfilled and never feel burned out again.
  • Understanding and befriending your brain and nervous system so you stay in control no matter what life throws at you.
  • And developing your damn self-confidence so you can finally be happy and truly live the life you long to live!

Hi, I’m Amy.

Veterinarian turned Life Coach.
And I’m here to tell you that you CAN have it all!

The secret to living your dream life is – life coaching!

It is the most powerful tool you will ever learn.
And once you apply it to your life, there is nothing that will stand between you and your dreams.

How do I know this..?

Because I was once exactly where you are now!
And coaching transformed my life and my career.
I too have felt the stress of a career that no longer felt aligned with what I thought I wanted and worked so hard to achieve.
I have struggled with burn-out and never having enough time for myself or enough energy to do the things I love.
I have hated my body. I’ve been unhappy in my love life,
my personal life and my career – even though from the outside it all appeared so “perfect”.

And now that I'm on the other side of all that BS,
I want to make sure you know it can be different for you too!

No matter what you want to change in your life:
Your body, love life, career, personal relationships, habits, hobbies, finances or the whole damn enchilada!
It all starts with learning how to regulate your nervous system and retraining your brain.

Life coaching is life changing.

And your transformation can start today!

Gurrlll, please! I'm a busy AF professional and I don't believe in that mystical woo-woo "law of attraction" and "manifestation" bullsh*t!

Friend, I've got you! I'm a doctor. I don't buy into that either.
Let me be clear - that is NOT what coaching is all about.

Coaching is grounded in cognitive psychology-based techniques.

These neuroscientific principles are backed by
published peer-reviewed research.

This sh*t works!

And it is the secret to uplevel your life.

Okay... I'm listening...
But how do I know coaching will help me?

You were once excited and passionate about your career…
but now you’re just a burned-out, cynical husk of your former self.

You feel a growing disconnect between your high-achieving life
and the anxiety and insecurity that plague you.

You struggle to have a life outside of work!
Hobbies? Relationships? Me-time? How the hell do I make time for that?!

Other people believe you have it all…
Yet you still feel like you’re never enough…
My dear, sweet, over-achiever friend...
If you have ever fantasized about quitting your career to become a barista...
Come coach with me 1-1 so you can:
    • Overcome anxiety, overwhelm, self-doubt and
      exhaustion for good!
    • Identify your barriers to success and create a plan of action for your dream life.
    • Create fulfillment, success, happiness and alignment
      in your personal life and at work.
    • Make time for you and your priorities.

And fall in love with yourself and your life again!

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